Friday, January 31, 2014

My Past and Personal Wine Experience

        Needless to say, Wine wasn't the first type of alcohol I've tasted. However, it was hands down the first type of booze that got me totally inebriated. Fortunately for me, the hangover that was experienced the next day wasn't enough to keep me from venturing down the wine trail again..and again.
         In all honesty, the first time I tried wine I was about 14 years old. I remember sneaking into the kitchen at Christmas while the rest of the family was at the table, enjoying their glass of Merlot. I worked up enough courage to secretely turn the bottle bottoms up, expecting to taste nothing but a strong Welch's Grape Juice flavor, since to my knowledge wine was made of grapes, therefore that's ALL I expected to taste. I immediately turned to the kitchen sink and spit out a mouthful of dark, bitter liquid, that to me, tasted like stale bread. I thought to myself, hmmm, that's different. The next sip I managed to swallow, and the next, and the next. I finally experienced my first buzz...and loved it.
        Since this first experience, Wine has grown on me ever since. It also helped having a mother who was true fan of the stuff, they have a name for that, "Wine-O" I believe?  Whether it was boxed wine or bottled, I always felt like I was drinking "true" alcohol. I think it was the fact that I knew Wine has been around since the Dark Ages, and was very popular in Europe, therefore,  I felt a sense of superiority when bragging about it to my friends.
        I've always been a fan of darker wines like Merlot and Pinot Noir. I love how each compliments certain foods such as red meat and chocolate. It's not because their known for having a high alcohol content, or anything. I haven't had much experience with getting to really know wine, other than drinking it. In just the first week of class, I've already obtained extensive knowledge about how to properly drink wine, and at least smell it. I hope to further gain a position on which particular wine(s) satisfy my palate while not spending a fortune, even though I probably will. Until next time...

Bottoms Up!

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